SWF缩写的意思-SÜdwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR)


  • 【英文缩写】: SWF
  • 【英文全称】: SÜdwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR)
  • 【中文解释】: SÜdwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR)
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: SWF 相关英文缩写
以上为SÜdwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR)英文缩略词SWF的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
SWF SÜdwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR) SÜdwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR)
SWF System Weight Factor (Delphi Criteria under the DESP II Contract vehicle) 系统权重系数(DESP II合同车辆下的德尔福标准)
SWF Stewart International Airport, Newburgh, New York USA 斯图尔特国际机场,纽约,美国
SWF Newburgh/Poughkeepsie, NY, USA - Stewart (Airport Code) Newburgh / Poughkeepsie美国纽约州-斯图尔特(机场代码)
SWF Small Web File (Macromedia Flash movie extension) 小型Web文件(Macromedia Flash电影扩展名)
SWF Shockwave Flash (Flash animation technology) Shockwave Flash(Flash动画技术)
SWF Secret Weapons Facility (Castle Wolfenstien) 秘密武器设施(沃尔芬斯坦城堡)
SWF Shockwave Flash 冲击波flash


  • SWF SÜdwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR)
  • PMN Partido da Mobilização Nacional (Party of National Mobilisation - Brazil)
  • OSD Otomotiv Sanayicileri Derneði (Turkish Automotive Industrial Organization)
  • NSV NationalSozialistische Volkswohlfahrt(纳粹人民的福利组织)
  • OIC Movimiento Comunista de las Islas - OrganizaciÓn de la Izquierda Comunista
  • MEFF Mercado Español de Futuros Financieros (Financial Futures Spanish Market)
  • MTA Militärisch-Technisches Abkommen (German: Treaty on Military Technologies)
  • MCL 掌握能力的capability-based国防部表(规划过程组成)
  • KBH Katonai BiztonsÁgi Hivatal (Military Security Office, Hungary; since 1989)
  • IMS Institut fÜr Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme (Dresden, Germany)
  • IDES Institut d 'Education Sensorielle(法国的感官教育)
  • INCA INitiative en Combustion AvancÉe (French: Advanced Combustion Initiative)
  • GLH Gruppi迪家庭'Handicap信用证。您presso ogni Provveditorato里
  • GIL Gesellschaft fÜr Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernaehrungswirtschaft
  • FVP 随着Fortschrittliche德语:累进人民党的;德国